Thomas Hendrickson Jr. resides with his wife Medy near Phoenix AZ. He enjoys inventing, playing piano, writing, woodworking and electronics.
The invention depicted in the book "Ivan The Inventor" is a real gadget Thomas designed when his wife Medy accidentally washed a pair of pants with a very important check in one of the pockets. The check was ruined. This made him wonder if there was a device that would remind someone to empty the pockets of the laundry before loading the washer. After searching for such a device and not finding one, he decided to create one himself using his knowledge of electronics. After using the device, his wife Medy encouraged him to try to market it.
Thomas discovered that it wasn't always easy to explain how the device works and what it is to be used for. This is what inspired him to write a children's book to explain the device in simple terms that even a child could understand.
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The invention depicted in the book "Ivan The Inventor" is a real gadget Thomas designed when his wife Medy accidentally washed a pair of pants with a very important check in one of the pockets. The check was ruined. This made him wonder if there was a device that would remind someone to empty the pockets of the laundry before loading the washer. After searching for such a device and not finding one, he decided to create one himself using his knowledge of electronics. After using the device, his wife Medy encouraged him to try to market it.
Thomas discovered that it wasn't always easy to explain how the device works and what it is to be used for. This is what inspired him to write a children's book to explain the device in simple terms that even a child could understand.
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